Theresa Bernemann, M.A.

Georg Forster-Gebäude
Jakob-Welder-Weg 12
D-55099 Mainz

Room: 04-421

Phone: +49 (0)6131-39-23389


Office hours: register via Email



Arzheimer, K., and Bernemann, T. (2024). Place’ does matter for populist radical right sentiment, but how? Evidence from Germany. EUROPEAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW, 16(2), 167-186. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Arzheimer, K., Bernemann, T., and Sprang, T. (2024). Oppression of Catholics in Prussia does not explain spatial differences in support for the radical right in Germany. A critique of Haffert (2022). ELECTORAL STUDIES, 89. DOI Author/Publisher URL
Bernemann, T. (2023). Integrationspolitik und politische Partizipation von Migranten in Westeuropa : Multikulturalismus und Assimilation im Vergleich [Master’s Thesis]. DOI Author/Publisher URL